2015年9月11日 星期五

學習語言的625 基本詞彙

分類的話 (I.E. “動物”) 指定一個小標C (這樣Ç). 了解這些話字使用 2-3 您的識字圖片/文字 (I.E. “動物=狗, 貓, 魚......“).
輕鬆羞愧的圖像 (即, '女孩'看起來像'女兒') 帶星號的指定 (這樣*). 這些團體的話,將使用非常相似的圖像 (女孩/女兒, 結婚/婚禮). 了解這些詞加入個人觸摸 (即, 你可能知道的'女兒'的名字) 或額外的兩個詞或在您的目標語言 (即, 女兒 可能去 母親/父親).
動物: 狗, 貓, 魚, 鳥, 牛, 豬, 鼠標, 馬, 翼, 動物Ç
運輸: 火車, 機, 汽車, 卡車, 自行車, 總線, 船, 船, 胎, 汽油, 發動機, (火車) 票, 運輸Ç
位置: 城市, 房子, 房間, 街/路, 機場, 火車站, 橋, 旅館, 餐廳, 農場, 法庭, 學校, 辦公室, 房間, 鎮, 大學, 俱樂部, 酒吧, 公園, 營, 專賣店/店鋪, 劇院, 文庫, 醫院, 教堂, 市場, 國家 (美國, 法國, 等等), 建築, 地面, 空間 (太空), 銀行, 位置Ç
服裝: 有, 穿著, 訴訟, 裙子, 襯衫, T恤衫, 褲子, 鞋, 口袋, 外套, 污點, 服裝Ç
顏色: 紅色, 綠色, 藍色 (光/暗), 黃, 棕色, 粉紅色, 橙, 黑色, 白, 灰色, 顏色Ç
人: *, 女兒*, 母親, 父親, 親 (=母親/父親), 嬰兒, 人, 女人, 兄弟*, 姐姐*, 家庭, 爺爺, 奶奶, 丈夫*, 妻子*, 王, 女王, 總統, 鄰居, 男孩, 女孩, 孩子 (=男孩/女孩), 成人 (=男人/女人), 人的 (≠動物), 朋友 (添加好友的名字), 受害者, 播放機, 風扇, 人群, 人Ç
工作: 老師, 學生, 律師, 醫生, 病人, 服務員, 秘書, 牧師, 警察, 軍隊, 士兵, 藝術家, 作者, 經理, 記者, 演員, 工作Ç
社會: 宗教, 天堂, 地獄, 死亡, 醫藥, 錢, 美元, 法案, 結婚*, 婚紗*, 團隊, 競賽 (種族), 性別 (行為), 性別 (性別), 謀殺, 監獄, 技術, 能源, 是, 和平, 攻擊, 選舉, 雜誌, 報紙, 毒, 槍, 運動, 競賽 (運動), 行使, 球, 遊戲, 價格, 合同, 藥物, 簽署, 科學, 上帝
藝術: 樂隊, 歌曲, 儀器 (音樂), 音樂, 電影, 藝術
飲料: 咖啡, 茶, 酒, 啤酒, 果汁, 水, 牛奶, 飲料Ç
食物: 雞蛋, 奶酪, 麵包, 湯, 蛋糕, 雞, 豬肉, 牛肉, 蘋果, 香蕉, 橙, 檸檬, 玉米, 米, 油, 種子, 刀, 勺子, 叉, 盤, 杯, 早餐, 午餐, 晚餐, 糖, 鹽, 瓶, 食物Ç
家: 表, 椅子, 床, 夢想, 窗口, 通過, 臥室, 廚房, 浴室, 鉛筆, 筆, 照片, 肥皂, 書, 頁, 關鍵, 畫, 信, 注意, 牆, 紙, 地板, 天花板, 屋頂, 水池, 鎖, 電話, 花園, 碼, 針, 袋, 箱, 禮物, 卡, 環, 工具
電子: 時鐘, 燈, 風扇, 手機, 網絡, 電腦, 節目 (電腦), 筆記本電腦, 屏幕, 相機, 電視, 無線電
身體: 頭, 頸部, 面對, 鬍子, 頭髮, 眼, 口*, 唇*, 鼻子, 牙齒, 耳, 撕 (下降), 舌頭, 背面, 對, 手指, 腳, 手, 腿, 胳膊, 肩, 心臟, 血, 大腦, 膝蓋, 汗, 疾病, 骨, 聲音, 皮膚, 身體
性質: 無論是*, 海洋*, 河, 山, 雨, 雪, 樹, 太陽, 月亮, 世界, 地球, 森林, 天空, 廠, 風, 土壤/地球, 花, 谷, 根, 湖, 明星, 草, 葉, 空氣, 沙, 海灘, 波, 火, 冰, 島, 山, 熱, 性質Ç
物料: 玻璃, 金屬, 塑料, 木, 石, 鑽石, 粘土, 灰塵, 金, 銅, 銀, 材料Ç
數學/測量: 米, 厘米, 公斤, 英寸, 腳, 英鎊, 一半, 圈, 方, 溫度, 日, 重量, 邊緣, 角落
其他名詞: 地圖, 點, 輔音, 元音, 光, 聲音, 是, 沒有, 片, 疼痛, 外傷, 孔, 圖像, 模式, 名詞Ç, 動詞Ç, 形容詞Ç
注意: 使用這些過去三年 (名詞, 動詞, 形容詞) 作為標籤,以幫助區分非常相似的前瞻性的話 (即, 到 (動詞), 死亡 (名詞), 死 (形容詞))
路線: 頂部, 底部, 側, 前, 背面, 外, 裡面, 上, 下, 離開, 權, 直, 北, 南, 東, 西, 方向Ç
注意: 您可能無法找到所有這些在你的詞彙, 即使你做,你可能會遇到麻煩找到圖片. 這很好. 跳過他們現在, or use my collection of images for directions and prepositions at Fluent-Forever.com/Appendix5
四季: 夏天, 春天, 冬季, 下降, 季節Ç
數字: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 30, 31, 32, 40, 41, 42, 50, 51, 52, 60, 61, 62, 70, 71, 72, 80, 81, 82, 90, 91, 92, 100, 101, 102, 110, 111, 1000, 1001, 10000, 100000, 百萬, 十億, 1ST, 2ND, 3, 4, 5, 數Ç
注意: 如果你搜索號碼 (一 (一), 二 (二), 三 (三)), 你會發現圖片對象 (1 蘋果, 2 猴子, 等等). 這通常工作到 10. 然後搜索數字 (10, 11, 12). 你會發現五顏六色的數字, 地址標牌, 等. 使用這些圖片 (酒店房間的圖片 #33) 而不是文本 (#33); 更容易記住這些圖片,他們不容易混合.
個月: 一月, 二月, 三月, 四月, 五月, 六月, 七月, 八月, 九月, 十月, 十一月, 十二月
注意: 你通常會發現圖片節假日和天氣. 加在每月的數量 (#1-12) 以獲得更多的具體.
星期幾: 星期一, 星期二, 星期三, 星期四, 星期五, 星期六, 星期天
注意: 你通常會發現人去上班在週一和週五/週六聚會的照片, 等. 為了獲得更多的具體, 灰色的週末,並表示這一天你想使用圖像的週歷. I’ll find a few good calendars to use and post them 這裡 in the near future.
時間: 年, 月, 星期, 日, 小時, 分鐘, 第二 , 上午, 下午, 黃昏, 夜, 時間Ç
注意: 你會發現圖片的時鐘和日曆. 如果需要的話, 在另一時分定義每個時分, I.E. 60 x 分鐘 = 1 ___ (現在), 1 現在 = 60 所述____ (分鐘).不要擔心複數形式 (你不需要的詞“分​​鐘”)
動詞: 工作, 玩, 走, 運行, 驅動, 飛, 游泳, Ç, 停止, 遵循, 認為, 說/說, 吃, 喝, 殺, 在, 微笑, 笑, 哭, 購買*, 交*, 出售*, 射擊(一個槍), 學習, 跳, 氣味, 聽到* (聲音), 聽* (音樂), 味道, 觸摸, 看 (鳥), 看 (電視), 吻, 燒, 融化, 挖, 爆炸, 坐, 站, 愛, 經過, 切, 打, 躺, 跳舞, 睡覺, 醒來, 唱, 算, 結婚, 祈禱, 贏, 失去, 混合/攪拌, 彎曲, 洗, 煮, 打開, 關閉, 寫, 叫, 轉, 建立, 教, 增長, 畫, 養活, 抓, 扔, 清潔, 發現, 下降, 推, 拉, 攜帶, 打破, 穿, 掛, 搖, 簽署, 擊敗, 抬
注意動詞, 你可能需要學習語言的字為“動詞”,並把它添加到任何動詞,可以偽裝成一個名詞 (親吻  一個吻). 基本上, 兩個人接吻圖片, 加字 “動詞” 下, 和噗, 你已經有了一個非常明確的 “接吻。”
形容詞: 長, 短 (長), 高大, 短 (與身材), 寬, 窄, 大/大, 小/小, 慢, 快, 熱, 冷, 溫暖, 涼爽, 新, 老 (新), 年輕, 老 (年輕), 好, 壞, 濕, 幹, 生病, 健康, 響, 安靜, 快樂, 傷心, 美麗, 醜, 聾, 盲人, 漂亮, 意味著, 豐富, 差, 厚, 薄, 昂貴, 廉價, 平, 彎曲, 男性, 女性, 緊, 松, 高, 低, 軟, 硬, 深, 淺, 清潔, 臟, 強烈, 弱, 死, 活著, 重, 光 (重), 暗, 光 (暗), 核, 著名
注意對於這些形容詞幾個, 你可能需要學習你的語言的話,“形容詞”,並把它添加在模棱兩可的情況下 (即, 清潔 與一 清潔 房間).
代詞: 我, 您 (單數), 他, 她, 它, 我們, 您 (複數, as in “y’all”), 他們.
注意: 加入他們之前,請務必閱讀這些在你的語法書. 語言成許多類別劃分代詞. 匈牙利文, 例如, 有  “你的話” (奇異的非正式, 奇異正式 (熟人), 奇異官方 (為教師, 警察, 官僚), 複數非正式, 等等), 取決於你如何計算, 日本無論是有 沒有 代詞或  的 代詞. 我們需要有一些代詞 現在 為了應對語法 後來, 所以你要找到至少幾句指自己或別人. 你會發現一個很好的解釋代詞 (和它們的列表) 在開始你的語法書. 請注意,你不這樣做 還需要 他, 她的, 他的, 他們的, 等. 以後,我們會得到他們, 當我們討論語法.
你怎麼不學習這些翻譯? 使用圖片的人指著自己/對方. 有體面的代名詞圖片谷歌圖片, and I’ve gotten some better onescommissioned here. 使用這些圖片, 如果你的語言, 像匈牙利, 不同種類的關係有不同類型的代詞 (即, 朋友與熟人), 然後需要幾分鐘,有些人認為你會使用這些代詞. 使用他們的名字,你的識字.
Category words (i.e. ‘animal’) are designated with a little superscript C (Like thisC). Learn these words word by using 2-3 other pictures/words on your flashcards (i.e. ‘animal = dog, cat, fish…’).
Easily Confounded Images (i.e., ‘girl’ looks like ‘daughter’) are designated with an asterisk (Like this*). These are groups of words that will use very similar images (girl/daughter, marriage/wedding). Learn these words by adding a personal touch (i.e., the name of a ‘daughter’ you might know) or an additional word or two in your target language (i.e., daughter might go with mother/father).
Animal: dog, cat, fish, bird, cow, pig, mouse, horse, wing, animalC
Transportation: train, plane, car, truck, bicycle, bus, boat, ship, tire, gasoline, engine, (train) ticket, transportationC
Location: city, house, apartment, street/road, airport, train station, bridge, hotel, restaurant, farm, court, school, office, room, town, university, club, bar, park, camp, store/shop, theater, library, hospital, church, market, country (USA, France, etc.), building, ground, space (outer space), bank, locationC
Clothing: hat, dress, suit, skirt, shirt, T-shirt, pants, shoes, pocket, coat, stain, clothingC
Color: red, green, blue (light/dark), yellow, brown, pink, orange, black, white, gray, colorC
People: son*, daughter*, mother, father, parent (= mother/father), baby, man, woman, brother*, sister*, family, grandfather, grandmother, husband*, wife*, king, queen, president, neighbor, boy, girl, child (= boy/girl), adult (= man/woman), human (≠ animal), friend (Add a friend’s name), victim, player, fan, crowd, personC
Job: Teacher, student, lawyer, doctor, patient, waiter, secretary, priest, police, army, soldier, artist, author, manager, reporter, actor, jobC
Society: religion, heaven, hell, death, medicine, money, dollar, bill, marriage*, wedding*, team, race (ethnicity), sex (the act), sex (gender), murder, prison, technology, energy, war, peace, attack, election, magazine, newspaper, poison, gun, sport, race (sport), exercise, ball, game, price, contract, drug, sign, science, God
Art: band, song, instrument (musical), music, movie, art
Beverages: coffee, tea, wine, beer, juice, water, milk, beverageC
Food: egg, cheese, bread, soup, cake, chicken, pork, beef, apple, banana, orange, lemon, corn, rice, oil, seed, knife, spoon, fork, plate, cup, breakfast, lunch, dinner, sugar, salt, bottle, foodC
Home: table, chair, bed, dream, window, door, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, pencil, pen, photograph, soap, book, page, key, paint, letter, note, wall, paper, floor, ceiling, roof, pool, lock, telephone, garden, yard, needle, bag, box, gift, card, ring, tool
Electronics: clock, lamp, fan, cell phone, network, computer, program (computer), laptop, screen, camera, television, radio
Body: head, neck, face, beard, hair, eye, mouth*, lip*, nose, tooth, ear, tear (drop), tongue, back, toe, finger, foot, hand, leg, arm, shoulder, heart, blood, brain, knee, sweat, disease, bone, voice, skin, body
Nature: sea*, ocean*, river, mountain, rain, snow, tree, sun, moon, world, Earth, forest, sky, plant, wind, soil/earth, flower, valley, root, lake, star, grass, leaf, air, sand, beach, wave, fire, ice, island, hill, heat, natureC
Materials: glass, metal, plastic, wood, stone, diamond, clay, dust, gold, copper, silver, materialC
Math/Measurements: meter, centimeter, kilogram, inch, foot, pound, half, circle, square, temperature, date, weight, edge, corner
Misc Nouns: map, dot, consonant, vowel, light, sound, yes, no, piece, pain, injury, hole, image, pattern, nounC, verbC, adjective
Note: Use these last three (noun, verb, adjective) as labels to help distinguish between very similar-looking words (i.e., to die (verb), death (noun), dead (adjective))
Directions: top, bottom, side, front, back, outside, inside, up, down, left, right, straight, north, south, east, west, directionC
Note: You may not find all of these in your glossary, and you may have trouble finding pictures even if you do. That’s fine. Skip them for now, or use my collection of images for directions and prepositions at Fluent-Forever.com/Appendix5
Seasons: Summer, Spring, Winter, Fall, seasonC
Numbers: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 30, 31, 32, 40, 41, 42, 50, 51, 52, 60, 61, 62, 70, 71, 72, 80, 81, 82, 90, 91, 92, 100, 101, 102, 110, 111, 1000, 1001, 10000, 100000, million, billion, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, numberC
Note: If you search for a number (uno (one), dos (two), tres (three)), you’ll find pictures of objects (1 apple, 2 monkeys, etc.). This usually works until 10. Then search for the digits (10, 11, 12). You’ll find colorful numerals, address signs, etc. Use these images (picture of hotel room #33) instead of text (#33); these pictures easier to remember and they don’t get mixed up as easily.
Months: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December
Note: You’ll usually find pictures of holidays and weather. Add in the number of each month (#1-12) to get more specific.
Days of the week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Note: You’ll usually find pictures of people going to work on Mondays and partying on Fridays/Saturdays, etc. To get more specific, use an image of a weekly calendar with weekends greyed out and indicate which day you want. I’ll find a few good calendars to use and post them here in the near future.
Time: year, month, week, day, hour, minute, second , morning, afternoon, evening, night, timeC
Note: You’ll find pictures of clocks and calendars. If needed, define each time division in terms of another time division, i.e. 60 x minuto = 1 ___ (ora), 1 ora = 60 x ____ (minuto). Don’t worry about plural forms (you don’t need the word for “minutes” yet)
Verbs: work, play, walk, run, drive, fly, swim, goC, stop, follow, think, speak/say, eat, drink, kill, die, smile, laugh, cry, buy*, pay*, sell*, shoot(a gun), learn, jump, smell, hear* (a sound), listen* (music), taste, touch, see (a bird), watch (TV), kiss, burn, melt, dig, explode, sit, stand, love, pass by, cut, fight, lie down, dance, sleep, wake up, sing, count, marry, pray, win, lose, mix/stir, bend, wash, cook, open, close, write, call, turn, build, teach, grow, draw, feed, catch, throw, clean, find, fall, push, pull, carry, break, wear, hang, shake, sign, beat, lift
NoteFor verbs, you’ll probably need to learn your language’s word for “verb” and add it to any verb that could masquerade as a noun (to kiss vs a kiss). Basically, get a picture of two people kissing, add the word “Verb” underneath, and poof, you’ve got a pretty clear “to kiss.”
Adjectives: long, short (long), tall, short (vs tall), wide, narrow, big/large, small/little, slow, fast, hot, cold, warm, cool, new, old (new), young, old (young), good, bad, wet, dry, sick, healthy, loud, quiet, happy, sad, beautiful, ugly, deaf, blind, nice, mean, rich, poor, thick, thin, expensive, cheap, flat, curved, male, female, tight, loose, high, low, soft, hard, deep, shallow, clean, dirty, strong, weak, dead, alive, heavy, light (heavy), dark, light (dark), nuclear, famous
NoteFor a few of these adjectives, you may need to learn your language’s word for “adjective” and add it in cases of ambiguity (i.e., to clean vs a clean room).
Pronouns: I, you (singular), he, she, it, we, you (plural, as in “y’all”), they.
Note: Make sure you read about these in your grammar book before adding them. Languages divide their pronouns into many categories. Hungarian, for instance, has six words for “you” (singular informal, singular formal (for acquaintances), singular official (for teachers, policemen, bureaucrats), plural informal, etc.), and depending upon how you count, Japanese either has no pronouns or tons of pronouns. We’ll need to have some pronouns now in order to deal with grammar later, so you’ll want to find at least a few words to refer to yourself or someone else. You’ll find a good explanation of pronouns (and a list of them) in the beginning of your grammar book. Note that you don’t yet need him, her, his, their, etc. We’ll get them later, when we discuss grammar.
How do you learn these without translations? Use pictures of people pointing at themselves/each other. There are decent pronoun pictures on Google Images, and I’ve gotten some better ones commissioned here. Use these images, and if your language, like Hungarian, has different sorts of pronouns for different sorts of relationships (i.e., friends vs acquaintances), then take a few minutes to think of some people you’d use these pronouns with. Use their names on your flashcards.
Kategorya ng mga salita (I.E. 'Hayop') ay itinalaga sa isang maliit tinitikan C (GanitoC). Alamin ang mga salitang ito salita sa pamamagitan ng paggamit 2-3 iba pang mga larawan / mga salita sa iyong flashcards (I.E. 'Hayop = aso, pusa, fish ... ').
Madaling Confounded Mga Larawan (ibig sabihin, 'Babae' kamukha 'anak na babae') ay itinalaga ang isang asterisk (Ganito*). Ang mga ito ay mga grupo ng mga salita na gagamitin ng halos katulad na mga imahe (batang babae / anak na babae, kasal / kasal). Alamin ang mga salitang ito sa pamamagitan ng pagdaragdag ng isang personal na ugnayan (ibig sabihin, ang pangalan ng isang 'anak na babae' maaaring kilala mo) o ng isang karagdagang salita o dalawa sa iyong target na wika (ibig sabihin,iha Baka pumunta sa ina / ama).
Hayop: aso, pusa, isda, ibon, baka, baboy, mouse, kabayo, pakpak, hayopC
Transportasyon: tren, eroplano, kotse, trak, bisikleta, bus, bangka, barko, gulong, gasolina, makina, (tren) tiket, transportasyonC
Kinalalagyan: lungsod, bahay, apartment, kalye / kalsada, paliparan, istasyon ng tren, tulay, hotel, restawran, bukid, hukuman, paaralan, opisina, kuwarto, bayan, unibersidad, klab, bar, parke, kampo, tindahan / shop, teatro, aklatan, ospital, simbahan, merkado, bansa (Amerika, Pransiya, at iba pa), gusali, lupa, puwang (outer space), bangko, kinalalagyanC
Pananamit: may, magdamit, terno, palda, kamiseta, T-shirt, pantalon, mga sapatos na pang-, bulsa, sako, sirain ang puri, pananamitC
Kulay: pula, berde, asul (liwanag / madilim), dilaw, kayumanggi, rosas, kahel, itim, puti, kulay-abo, kulayC
Mga tao: nito *, anak na babae *, ina, ama, magulang (= Ina / ama), sanggol, tao, babae, kapatid na lalaki *, kapatid na babae *, pamilya, lolo, lola, asawa *, asawa *, hari, reyna, pangulo, kapwa, batang lalaki, batang babae, anak (= Batang lalaki / babae), matanda (= Lalaki / babae), pantao (≠ hayop), kaibigan (Magdagdag ng pangalan ng isang kaibigan), sakripisiyo, manlalaro, bentilador, karamihan ng tao, taoC
Trabaho: Guro, mag-aaral, abogado, doktor, pasyente, weyter, sekretarya, pari, pulis, hukbo, kawal, pintor, may-akda, tagapamahala, reporter, aktor, trabahoC
Lipunan: relihiyon, langit, impyerno, kamatayan, gamot, pera, dolyar, kuwenta, kasal *, kasal *, koponan, lahi (lahi), pagtatalik (ang kilos), pagtatalik (kasarian), pagpatay ng tao, bilangguan, teknolohiya, lakas, noon ay, kapayapaan, bumanat, halalan, mag-asin, pahayagan, lason, baril, isport, lahi (isport), magsanay, bola, laro, presyo, kontrata, gamot, pumirma, agham, Diyos
Sining: banda, kanta, instrumento (musikal), musika, pelikula, sining
Inumin: kape, tsaa, alak, serbesa, juice, tubig, gatas, pampalamig na inuminC
Pagkain: itlog, keso, tinapay, sopas, keyk, manok, baboy, karne ng baka, mansanas, saging, kahel, limon, kalyo, kanin, langis, magbigay ng binhi, kutsilyo, kutsara, tinidor, plato, tasa, almusal, tanghalian, hapunan, asukal, asin, bote, pagkainC
Tahanan: talahanayan, upuan, kama, panaginip, bintana, sa pamamagitan ng, silid-tulugan, kusina, banyo, lapis, panulat, litrato, sabon, aklat, pahina, susi, pintahan, sulat, nota, pader, papel, palapag, kisame, bubong, pool, ikandado, telepono, hardin, bakuran, karayom, supot, kahon, regalo, kard, singsing, kasangkapan
Elektronika: orasan, lampara, bentilador, cell phone, network, computer, programa (computer), kandungan, tabing, camera, telebisyon, radyo
Katawan: ulo, leeg, mukha, balbas, buhok, mata, bibig *, lip *, ilong, ngipin, tainga, pilasin (ilaglag), dila, likod, sa, daliri, paa, kamay, binti, braso, balikat, puso, dugo, utak, tuhod, magpapawis, sakit, buto, boses, balat, katawan
Kalikasan: alinman *, karagatan *, ilog, bundok, ulan, snow, puno, araw, gumala, mundo, Lupa, kagubatan, langit, halaman, hangin, lupa / earth, bulaklak, lambak, ugat, dagat-dagatan, bituin, damo, dahon, himpapawid, buhangin, dalampasigan, alon, sunog, yelo, isla, burol, init, kalikasanC
Kagamitan: salamin, metal, plastik, kahoy, bato, brilyante, luwad, alikabok, ginto, tanso, pilak, materyalC
Math / sukat: metro, sentimetro, kilo, pulgada, paa, pound, kalahati, bilog, parisukat, temperatura, petsa, timbang, gilid, sulok
Misc Nouns: mapa, tuldok, katinig, patinig, liwanag, tunog, oo, hindi, piraso, sakit, pinsala, butas, larawan, huwaran, pangngalanC, pandiwaC, pang-uriC
Nota: Gamitin ang mga huling tatlong (pangngalan, pandiwa, pang-uri) bilang mga tatak upang makatulong na makilala sa pagitan ng napaka-katulad na anyo salita (ibig sabihin, sa (pandiwa), kamatayan (pangngalan), patay (pang-uri))
Direksyon: tuktok, ilalim, gilid, harap, likod, sa labas, sa loob, pataas, pababa, pakaliwa, karapatan, tuwid, hilaga, timog, silangan, kanluran, direksiyonC
Nota: Maaaring hindi mo makita ang lahat ng mga ito sa iyong glossary, at maaari kang magkaroon ng problema sa paghahanap ng mga larawan kahit na gawin mo. Iyon ay pinong. Laktawan ang mga ito para sa ngayon, or use my collection of images for directions and prepositions at Fluent-Forever.com/Appendix5
Seasons: Tag-araw, Tagsibol, Taglamig, Mahulog, panahonC
Mga Numero: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 30, 31, 32, 40, 41, 42, 50, 51, 52, 60, 61, 62, 70, 71, 72, 80, 81, 82, 90, 91, 92, 100, 101, 102, 110, 111, 1000, 1001, 10000, 100000, milyon, bilyon, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4ika, 5ika, numeroC
Nota: Kung kang maghanap para sa isang numero (isa (isa), dalawa (dalawa), tatlo (tatlo)), makikita mo ang mga larawan ng bagay (1 mansanas, 2 monkeys, at iba pa). Ito ay karaniwang gumagana hanggang 10. Pagkatapos ay hanapin ang mga digit (10, 11, 12). Makakakita ka ng mga makukulay na numeral, address palatandaan, atbp. Gamitin ang mga larawan (larawan ng hotel room #33) sa halip ng teksto (#33); mga larawan mas madali upang matandaan at hindi sila makapag-mixed up bilang madali.
Buwan: Enero, Pebrero, Marso, Abril, Mayo, Hunyo, Hulyo, Agosto, Setyembre, Oktubre, Nobyembre, Disyembre
Nota: Makikita mo karaniwang mahanap ang mga larawan ng mga pista opisyal at panahon. Idagdag sa bilang ng bawat buwan (#1-12) upang makakuha ng mas tiyak.
Araw ng linggo: Lunes, Martes, Miyerkules, Huwebes, Biyernes, Sabado, Linggo
Nota: Makikita mo karaniwang mahanap ang mga larawan ng mga tao ng pagpunta sa gumana sa Lunes at pakikisalu-salo sa Biyernes / Sabado, atbp. Upang makakuha ng mas tiyak, gumamit ng isang imahe ng isang lingguhang kalendaryo sa weekend grey out at ipahiwatig kung aling mga araw na nais mong. I’ll find a few good calendars to use and post them dito in the near future.
Oras: taon, buwan, linggo, araw, oras, minuto, pangalawa , umaga, hapon, gabi, gabi, orasC
Nota: Makakakita ka ng mga larawan ng Orasan at mga kalendaryo. Kung kinakailangan, tukuyin ang bawat oras na paghahati sa mga tuntunin ng isa pang paghahati ng oras, I.E. 60 x minuto = 1 ___ (ngayon), 1 ngayon = 60 x ____ (minuto).Huwag mag-alala tungkol sa mga form na pangmaramihang (hindi mo kailangan ang salita para sa "minuto" pa)
Pandiwa: magtrabaho, maglaro, maglakad, tumakbo, magmaneho, lumipad, lumangoy, pumuntaC, itigil, sundin, mag-isip, magsalita / sabihin, kumain, uminom, pumatay, ang, ngumiti, tumawa, mag-iiyak, bumili *, magbayad *, ibenta *, bumaril(ng baril), malaman, tumalon, amoy, marinig * (isang tunog), makinig * (musika), panlasa, pindutin, makita (isang ibon), panoorin (Telebisyon), halik, sumunog, unti-unting mawala, magparinig, sumabog, umupo, tumayo, pag-ibig, magdaan, putulin, makipag-away, humiga, sumayaw, matulog, gumising, pag-awit, bilangin, magpakasal, manalangin, manalo, mawala, ihalo / gumalaw, yumuko, maghugas, magluto, buksan, isara, sumulat, tumawag, lumiko, magtayo, magturo, lumago, gumuhit, magpakain, sumakay, magtapon, linisin, mahanap, mahulog, itulak, paghila, magdala, mabasag, magsuot, sabit, pag-iling, pumirma, matalo, iangat
NotaPara sa pandiwa, makikita mo marahil kailangan upang matuto nang salita ng iyong wika para sa "pandiwa" at idagdag ito sa anumang mga pandiwa na maaaring pagbabalatkayo bilang isang pangngalan (sa halik vs isang halik). Talaga, kumuha ng isang larawan ng dalawang tao halik, idagdag ang salita “Pandiwa” sa ilalim, at poof, mayroon kang isang medyo malinaw “upang magmano.”
Adjectives: matagal, maikli (matagal), matangkad, maikli (vs matangkad), malawak, makitid, malaki / malaki, maliit / kaunti, pabagalin, mabilis, mainit, malamig, mainit-init, malamig, bago, luma (bago), bata, luma (bata), mabuti, masama, basa, tuyo, may sakit, malusog, malakas, tahimik, masaya, malungkot, maganda, mainit ang ulo, bingi, bulag, maganda, ibig sabihin, mayaman, dukha, makapal, manipis, mahal, mura, patag, hindi tuwid, lalaki, babae, lapat na lapat, magpakawala, mataas, mababa, malambot, matapang, malalim, mababaw, linisin, marumi, malakas, mahina, patay, buhay, mabigat, liwanag (mabigat), madilim, liwanag (madilim), nuklear, tanyag
NotaPara sa ilan sa mga adjectives, maaaring kailanganin mong dagdagan ang salita ng iyong wika para sa "pang-uri" at idagdag ito sa mga kaso ng kalabuan (ibig sabihin, upang linisinkumpara sa isang linisin kuwarto).
Pronouns: Ako, mo (isahan), siya, siya, ito, kami, mo (maramihan, as in “y’all”), sila.
Nota: Tiyaking basahin ang tungkol sa mga ito sa iyong grammar libro bago idagdag ang mga ito. Mga Wika hatiin ang kanilang mga pronouns sa maraming mga kategorya. Hanggaryan, halimbawa, May anim mga salita para sa "ikaw" (Isahan impormal, isahan pormal (para sa mga kakilala), isahan opisyal (para sa mga guro, policemen, bureaucrats), pangmaramihang impormal, at iba pa), at depende sa kung paano mo bilangin, Hapon ay may alinman sa hindi pronouns otonelada ng pronouns. Kakailanganin naming magkaroon ng ilang mga pronouns ngayon upang harapin ang grammarmamaya, kaya makikita mo nais upang mahanap ang hindi bababa sa ilang mga salita upang sumangguni sa iyong sarili o sa ibang tao. Makakakita ka ng isang magandang paliwanag ng pronouns (at isang listahan ng mga ito) sa simula ng iyong grammar aklat. Tandaan na hindi mo pag kailangan pa sa kanya, kanya, kanya, nila, atbp. Gagamitin namin ang mga ito sa ibang pagkakataon, kapag namin talakayin ang grammar.
Paano ka matuto nang walang mga pagsasalin? Gumamit ng mga larawan ng mga tao na tumuturo sa kanilang mga sarili / isa't isa. May disenteng panghalip larawan sa Google Images, and I’ve gotten some better ones commissioned here. Gamitin ang mga larawan, at kung ang iyong wika, tulad ng Hungarian, May iba't ibang mga klase ng pronouns para sa iba't ibang mga klase ng relasyon (ibig sabihin, mga kaibigan kumpara sa mga kakilala), pagkatapos ay tumagal ng ilang minuto upang isipin na ang ilang mga tao na gusto mong gamitin ang mga pronouns na may. Gamitin ang kanilang mga pangalan sa iyong flashcards.



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